Category: 3D Printed Garden

Save the Print, Save the World

Curvy Wooden PLA Sunflower Vase from 3D Print Stick XL

Curvy Wooden PLA Vase with Sunflowers

3D printing has come a long way in recent years, and the ability to print objects in a variety of materials has opened up new possibilities for designers and makers. One such material is wooden PLA, which can be used to create unique and beautiful objects with a wood-like appearance. In this article, we will …

Graden Moai 3D Printed

Can You Spot All the Moai in the Garden?

Can you find them all?! They are easy to print, work with many different type of filament, and make for a fun surprise anywhere you hide them! There is a no-overhang variant and a classic variant of the Moai , neither of which we have had too much trouble printing. With 3D Print Stick, there …

Salsa Bowl 3D Printed with Fresh Garden Salsa

Garden-Fresh Organic Roasted Salsa in a 3D Printed Molcajete Style Bowl

Fresh veggies always inspire me to come up with new and exciting recipe ideas. So when I had some organic garden-grown veggies, including tomatoes, onions, and peppers, I decided to make a delicious salsa. But I didn’t just want to make a regular salsa, I wanted to make it special and present it in a …

octopus planter 3d print

Octopus Planter “OctoPot”

This is by far the office favorite for favorite 3D printed potter … maybe even favorite 3D printed garden anything! This octopus planter AKA “OktoPot” is very cute and super easy to print. The overhangs are small enough most FDM printers do not need supports. Using some 3D Print Stick XL, I had no issue …

Garden Plant Label

We have used 100s of these 3D printed Garden Plant Labels and if you garden you should too! Do you ever get confused what seeds are planted where in the garden? We have a very easy solution that can be 3D printed with nearly any FDM 3d printer. These markers are very easy to print …

Successful Summer Saplings with 3D Printable Seed Tray

After sampling several different variations of springtime seed starting trays, we decided that this one takes the cake, or Kale in this case! Our office garden now features 20 total of these trays throughout the garden. They are primarily used starting seeds and cloning fresh cuttings with rooting hormone. These trays are light and can …