Curvy Wooden PLA Vase with Sunflowers

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Curvy Wooden PLA Sunflower Vase from 3D Print Stick XL

Curvy Wooden PLA Vase with Sunflowers

3D printing has come a long way in recent years, and the ability to print objects in a variety of materials has opened up new possibilities for designers and makers. One such material is wooden PLA, which can be used to create unique and beautiful objects with a wood-like appearance. In this article, we will discuss how we successfully printed a wooden PLA vase using the 3D Print Stick XL and the benefits of using this adhesive for bed adhesion and easy bed separation.

Wooden PLA is a unique 3D printing material that has a wood-like appearance and texture. It is made from a blend of PLA, a biodegradable plastic, and wood particles, which gives it its distinctive look and feel. However, wooden PLA can be notoriously difficult to work with, as it can be prone to warping and other issues during the printing process.

To overcome these challenges, we used the 3D Print Stick XL, an adhesive designed specifically for use with 3D printers. The adhesive helped with bed adhesion, allowing the wooden PLA to stick securely to the print bed and preventing it from warping or lifting during the printing process. Additionally, the adhesive made it easy to separate the finished vase from the print bed, which can be a challenge with wooden PLA due to its wood-like texture.

Once we had successfully printed the wooden PLA vase, we added some sunflowers to it, creating a beautiful and unique piece that is perfect for a rainy day. The combination of the wood-like appearance of the vase and the bright and cheerful sunflowers adds a touch of warmth and cheer to any room.

In conclusion, the 3D Print Stick XL proved to be an invaluable tool for printing a wooden PLA vase that holds sunflowers on a rainy day. The adhesive helped with bed adhesion, easy bed separation, and overcame the challenges associated with working with wooden PLA.

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