Tri-Color Rainbow Articulated Starfish

Save the Print, Save the World

tri-color starfish

Tri-Color Rainbow Articulated Starfish

This might be the prettiest print we have tried yet! Using the this PLA from Amazon and a base layer of 3D Print Stick XL, we had no issue getting this print started nor issue adhering the first layer to the bed, thanks 3D Print Stick! Once printed this print sparkles like no other! You can rotate it to see it magically fade form one color to the next, making it appear to have every color inside! We printed with 100% infill making this heavy and sturdy, and got especially lucky with the fine outside finish! The articulation worked great and it feels like it has a life of it’s own. The STL can be found on Cults Here.

Print Settings

Printer: FLSUN Super Racer

Extruder Temp: 210 deg C

Bed Temp: 60 deg C

Print Speed: 200mm/s

Retraction: 6.5mm at 40mm/s

Infill: 100%

Cooling Fan: 50%

Flow: 100%